4th Annual Goose Chase 5k and 1Mile Walk
Friday, May 3, 2019 10am to 1pm
About this Event
1 University Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63121-4400
http://umsl.edu/campusrecreation/fitnessandwellness/feebasedprograms.html #umslgoosechaseIt is that time of the year again! UMSL Campus Recreation is thrilles to host the 4th Annual Goose Chase 5k & 1 mile walk! All proceeds from the race will be donated to the UMSL Triton Pantry. You can also bring items on the day of the race to donate to the Triton Pantry - peanut butter, oatmeal or pasta.
Options: 5k OR 1 Mile (you will choose your race length the day of)
Cost: $5-UMSL Students, $10-RWC Members and UMSL Employees, $20-Nonmembers - Includes a t-shirt, medal & free Italian Ice to enjoy after the race.
UMSL Employees: You can earn 10 physical activity points for participating, and you can earn an additional 10 community service points by donating an item to the Triton Pantry Food Drive - bring peanut butter, oatmeal or pasta the day of the race.
Following the race there will be Food Trucks in the Visitors Parking Lot (Lot C) for Food Truck Friday!
Register online or at the RWC Triton Trading Post.