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Developing Volunteer Potential

Friday, June 28, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 410 Social Science and Business (SSB) building (on the UMSL north campus. Note different building than where many of our classes take place)

Do your volunteers have untapped potential? Join UMSL and MVMA for a fast-paced, interactive workshop on developing your volunteers into more engaged, invested supporters of your organization! In three sessions led by recognized volunteer management experts, we’ll explore developing volunteers into leaders, developing one-time volunteers into ongoing volunteers, and developing volunteers into donors.

Instructor Rick Skinner joined the United Way of Greater St. Louis in 1999 and is the Vice President of the Volunteer Center. He is responsible for the leading the nation’s second oldest volunteer center and oversees a number of innovative service programs that supports United Way’s mission to help people live their best possible lives.

Instructor Julie Strassman is the Volunteer Coordinator for Bethesda Hospice and Programming Vice President of MVMA. She has presented workshops on volunteer engagement best practices for many local and national nonprofit organizations, including Network for Strong Communities, We Raise Foundation, Cover Missouri Coalition, and Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.

Instructor Beth Greco is Volunteer Manager at Duo and Internal Communication Chair for MVMA. Beth recruits, trains and retains individual and group volunteers, engaging them through meaningful projects that connect to the mission.

Instructor Katelind Hosie is the President of MVMA and has been with United Way of Greater St. Louis for over 4 years in the role as Lead Volunteer Center Manager. In her role, she has the incredible opportunity to work to further develop the programs and services the Volunteer Center offers to nonprofits, companies, and volunteers throughout the bi-state region. 

Attendance at this class will count as six hours of credit toward the Nonprofit Management & Leadership Program’s Chancellor’s Certificate in Volunteer Management. In order to obtain this noncredit chancellor’s certificate, individuals must enroll in, and complete, 16 or more hours of training in classes and/or events that are produced as part of the collaboration between Metropolitan Volunteer Management Association (MVMA) and the NPML program.

Registration fee: $80 ($60 for MVMA members with promo code). Fee includes lunch in the form of a voucher for use in the student center Nosh.

To register for Developing Volunteer Potential, click here.

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