February General Member Meeting and ICE CREAM SOCIAL!
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 5pm to 6pm
About this Event
Join us in person, on February 15, for our February General Member Meeting, and Ice Cream Social! We will host an Ice Cream Social from 5-6pm, and the SSWA February meeting will immediately follow! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know fellow SSWA members, as well as faculty members. Last semester it was a huge success! Please register if possible, as there are is limited space available! We will do our best not to turn anyone away!. . . . Our meeting will be a hybrid; in-person or our usual zoom link. We will meet in the Seminar Room, which is in the Social Work Suite, SSB 497. Attendance prizes will be drawn just before 6pm. . . . . If joining virtually, use the following link!. . umsystem.zoom.us/j/92208193677?pwd=WGxBVUU5VkdmSjY1YnErNVRKZU4yUT09
Meeting Link: umsystem.zoom.us/j/92208193677?pwd=WGxBVUU5VkdmSjY1YnErNVRKZU4yUT09
Event Details: tritonconnect.umsl.edu/rsvp?id=376407
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