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CHERP South Campus, Outdoor Learning Lab Free Event

Past NAB Garage

Free Event


Learn about restoration work happening on UMSL. Learn about invasive plant removal by mechanical means, techniques and methodologies. Meet other professionals in natural lands restoration work.  Speak with Native Landscape Solutions (contractors) performing the work. Speak with Jay Fish and learn about the UMSL Campus Honors Environmental Research Project. Learn about MDC Community Conservation Fund.

UMSL recently applied for and received full MDC funding to assist in restoration work of 7 total acres. There are two separate sites slated for restoration beginning in 2019. Our focus for this event will be the south campus site.


Recent grads or current students learning or interested in natural land restoration work.

Day Itenerary:

Intro:    Welcome                                                                                                                             9:00 am                     Greg

NNIP & Discovering the tools in toolbox

Breakout Sessions: 30 minute small group sessions          9:30 am - noon

Winter Plant Identification:                                                                                                                     Malinda W

Basics- Nomenclature

Learning Key Diagnostic Characteristics Understanding the immediate plant community. How to identify Honeysuckle & other invaders

Hand to Hand Combat , Hand Pruners to Chainsaws :                                                        Zach Dennis

Basic Tools & Safety Issues Basic Techniques Advantages Disadvantages Demonstration.

Peco Brush Blazer  :                                                                                                                                     Chris Feldwerth

Design of the Machine & Background Applications.

Advantages Limitations Demonstration.

Hydraulic Tree Puller – The Jaws of Death :                                                                                          Tom Ball

Design of the Machine & Background Applications

Advantages Limitations Demonstration.

Forestry Cutter /Mulcher :                                                                                                                       Steve Cavin

Design of the Machine & Background Applications

Advantages Limitations Demonstration

Lunch: Noon – 1:00 pm

Group Discussion:

Tool Box & Sustainability What did we learn ?

What’s Next ?

1:00 pm – 2:00pm CGC


  • Gregory Ward

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